
The PACSMAC team consists currently of 17 researchers, PhD candidates, and research assistants from five universities – Copenhagen Business School (CBS), ESADE Business School, Lafayette College, Jimma University (JU), and University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM) – spread over three continents.
Team members

Dr. Kristjan Jespersen
Project coordinator
Kristjan is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship with the Department of Management, Society & Communication at CBS. He is the Principal Investigator of the PACSMAC project. At CBS, Kristjan is the director of the Innovation for Impact Lab and the Sustainable Campus Programme Manager – Academic Lead for the CBS Campus. His principal research interests are Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and conservation finance (CF).

Dr. Christine Noe
Christine is an Associate Professor of Human Geography at the University of Dar es Salaam, where she is also the Principal of the College of Social Sciences. Her research focuses on conservation and development politics and seeks to explain how local and international development politics influence rural livelihoods, land tenure, and security dynamics in rural Africa. She is co-editor of Contested Sustainability and Prosperity in Rural Africa? She is also actively involved in providing leadership in research collaboration and mentor-ship of young African scholars.

Prof. Gezahegn Berecha
Gezahegn is a Professor of Applied Ecology at the department of Horticulture & Plant Sciences, Jimma University, Ethiopia and has rich experiences in teaching, research, community services & project coordination and management. He has ongoing projects in the areas of food security, biodiversity, ecology, ecosystem services & climate change. His research interest include ecology and genetics of coffee, conservation biology, ecosystem services, climate change and climate change impacts, phyto-pathology, and anthropogenic impacts on plant – pollinators interaction.

Dr. Adugna Bekele
Adugna is an Associate Professor at the department of Rural Development & Agricultural Extension, Jimma University, Ethiopia. His research focuses on sustainable livelihoods, food security, value chain analysis, land policy, and climate change. He is an expert on impact evaluations, econometrics analysis and research methods. He participated in agribusiness and IPM projects funded by NUFFIC. He has been working as consultant for FAO, GIZ, IMC and others.

Dr. Caleb Gallemore
Caleb holds a PhD in Geography from The Ohio State University and is an Associate Professor in the International Affairs Program at Lafayette College in the United States. His research interests include Transnational Networks, Global Land Use and Land Cover Change, Global Commodity Chains, the Anthropocene, telecoupling, environmental policy networks, and social theory.

Dr. Janina Grabs
Janina is an Assistant Professor of Business and Society at the Department of Society, Politics & Sustainability at ESADE Business School, Barcelona. She received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Münster, Germany, and previously was a post-doctoral researcher at ETH Zurich and visiting researcher at Yale University. Her work focuses on the private governance of sustainability in global value chains, with a focus on tropical agricultural commodities such as coffee and palm oil.

Dr. Nestory Yamungu
Nestory is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of Dar es Salaam. He currently serves as the Head of Department. He is a Human Geographer specializing on urban and rural land use dynamics as well as regional development. His recent areas of research include the role of small towns in rural development, planner’s discretion and the changing planning approaches, small town’s growth and inclusive rural development.

Ng’winamila Kasongi
PhD Candidate
Ng’winamila is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies at the University of Dodoma, Tanzania. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Geography at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania funded by the PACSMAC project. His research focuses on investigating the effect of future climate change scenarios on the distribution of suitable areas of Arabica and Robusta coffee using high-resolution data and ensemble species distribution models in Tanzania. His research interests also include applications of GIS and RS for natural resource management, using open source software, applied econometrics, land cover modelling, livelihoods and climate change.

Melkamu Mamuye
PhD Candidate
Melkamu is a PhD student at Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. The focus of his research is on terracing impacts of climate change on coffee sector in Ethiopia. He is working on his PhD on Natural resource management specialization in Climate change adaptation and mitigation as part of the PACSMAC project. He has also served as a researcher and expert in the CASCAPE project. He has conducted research on land use land cover change analysis using GIS and Remote Sensing, integrated soil fertility management, rehabilitation of degraded lands, monitoring soil nutrient balance, and other natural resource management related intervention in Ethiopia.

Shitaye Lemessa
Shitaye is a Lecturer, researcher and extension provider at Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. She is a Horticulturist and an expert on Coffee production, processing and quality control.

Marta Hailemariam Mamo
Marta is a Lecturer in the Department of Rural Development and agriculture extension at Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. She holds a Master’s Degree in Rural development from the University of Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique

Guta Regasa Megerssa
PhD Candidate
Guta is a Lecturer at College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in Jimma University, Ethiopia. He is currently a PhD student sponsored by the PASCMAC Project. His research interest focuses climate change impacts, coffee value chain analysis, and livelihood upgrading strategies.

Daniel Mwalutolo
PhD Candidate
Daniel is a researcher and a PhD fellow in the PACSMAC project and works on ‘Tracing changes in Governance and Upgrading along the coffee value chain’ at the Department of Geography at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Particularly, he works on research titled: “Climate change Adaptation and Livelihood Upgrading along the Coffee value chain in Tanzania” which seeks to apply an innovative integration of the global value chain (GVC) framework and sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) in the attempt of understanding coffee producers’ livelihood upgrading. He has a research interest in climate change impact and adaptation, vulnerability assessments, rural livelihood changes, and value chain analysis (VCA).

Prof. Stefano Ponte
Stefano is Professor of International Political Economy at the Centre for Business & Development Studies, CBS. He is interested in transnational economic & environmental governance, with focus on overlaps and tensions between private governance & public regulation. His work is informed by international political economy approaches, global value chain (GVC) analysis & convention theory. He analyzes governance dynamics and economic & environmental upgrading trajectories in GVCs. He is particularly interested in how sustainability standards, labels & certifications shape agro-food value chains, and in how different forms of partnerships affect sustainability outcomes.

Dr. Pilly Silvano
Pilly is a Lecturer at the Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam. She holds a PhD in Geography from University of Dar es Salaam and MA in Development studies specializing in Geography from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Her research interests include gender, community based natural resource governance, conservation, sustainable forest management and rural livelihoods.

Prof. Weyessa Terefe
Weyessa is an Academic Staff of Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Horticulture and Plant Sciences. He is a horticulturalist and an expert in the area of coffee agronomy and protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Ina Niehues
Former Research Assistant (08/23-09/25)
Ina is a research assistant for the PACSMAC project. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in ‘Global Studies – A European Perspective’ at Addis Ababa University. In her undergraduate studies, Ina focused on Climate and Social Justice in various contexts, inter alia using Participatory Action Research methods to explore land and resource conflicts within the mining sector in Colombia and Germany.

Marc Castellon Duran
Former Research Assistant (02/24-08/24)
Marc is a research assistant for the PACSMAC project. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Warwick (UK) and a Master of Science in International Sustainability Management from ESCP Business School (France). Marc’s research interests include rural environmental justice, participatory research, natural resource management, and sustainable livelihoods in productive landscapes.

Suyana Terry
Former Research Assistant (08/22-08/23)
Suyana is a Student Assistant for the PACSMAC project. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen and is currently doing a Master in Business, Language and Culture at CBS. She has a strong interest in topics related to sustainability and the coffee sector.

Kelvin Joseph Kamnde
Former Reserach Assistant
Kelvin is an Assistant Lecturer and a PhD student in Marine Sciences at the University of Dar es Salaam in the field of Marine Geomatics that deals with exploring, managing, and monitoring marine and coastal environments. He has broad experience in both Marine and Terrestrial Geomatics that include GIS, RS & Photogrammetry, Hydrography, GNSS/GPS, Cartography, Spatial Data and Statistics.

Annkathrin Mathe
Former Research Assistant (08/21-08/22)
Annkathrin was a Research Assistant for the PACSMAC project. She holds a Master in Business, Language and Culture from CBS and enjoys working for the PACSMAC project due to its focus on coffee and climate change. Hereby, it is particularly interesting to understand the effect of climate change on coffee and to investigate the activities of different actors along the value chain to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Rebeka Madaha
Assistant Project Administrator Tanzania
Rebeka is a Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Geography at the University of Dar es Salaam. Currently pursuing MSc. GIS at the University of Dar es Salaam. She contributes to the PACSMAC project by subjecting her Master’s research to the project aims and working as an administrative assistant in Tanzania.