In April 2023, the PACSMAC country teams in Tanzania and Ethiopia received visits from other team members to engage in joint fieldwork-related activities.

In the first week of April, Prof. Janina Grabs and Prof. Stefano Ponte joined the Tanzanian country team in Dar es Salam for a mid-fieldwork workshop focused on the takeaways of the fieldwork conducted to date. The workshop allowed the team to make adjustments for the rest of the fieldwork and develop ideas for future publications.
In the first week of April, Prof. Janina Grabs and Prof. Stefano Ponte joined the Tanzanian country team in Dar es Salam for a mid-fieldwork workshop focused on the takeaways of the fieldwork conducted to date. The workshop allowed the team to make adjustments for the rest of the fieldwork and develop ideas for future publications.

After the successful completion of the workshop in Tanzania, the Tanzania country team returned to the field with Prof. Stefano Ponte and Prof. Janina Grabs joined the Ethiopian country team.

The joint activities of the Ethiopian country team and Prof. Janina Grabs focused on conducting downstream interviews with value chain experts in Addis Abeba, and visit Jimma University as well as a selection of forest coffee farms in Jimma.
In addition to work activities, the teams also were able to celebrate local customs such as Easter and have fun together – always important!